If you were a member, and your membership has been lapsed for 3 or more years, you must apply for membership again by completing a new application, sending appropriate dues plus a $50.00 application fee, and attend the CCSC orientation program.
CCSC Application and Waiver. Download Here.
NOTE: The Cleburne County Library in Heber Springs will let you print the application and waiver for 10 cents per page.
Cleburne County Shooting Club has an annual membership year of July 1st through June 30th each yearfor all memberships.
Note: Applicants in May and June will receive membership through June 30thof the following year.
Membership is managed by the club treasurer. All new members must attend the CCSC orientation before receiving your membership card. Orientation covers safety, range procedures including rules and bylaws, and a walking tour of the range. Potential new members MUST notify the CCSC treasurer by email when sending in an application, so that the potential new member can be scheduled for attendance at an orientation program. Click here to email treasurer. Orientation schedules are sent by email. Normally they are sent on a Wednesday. The notices will come from cleburnecountyshootingclub@gmail.com, so either enter that in your safe senders list, or be sure to check your junk mail. We try not to go any longer than 2 weeks between orientations. At times, they happen more often. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES: Check or Money Order only. Absolutely NO CASH. WE DO NOT TAKECREDIT CARDS.
The cost of applying for membership to Cleburne County Shooting Club includes both the one-timeapplication fee of $50.00 and the first year of annual dues. Annual Dues are $125.00 for Adults under age65: Annual dues are $75.00 for Senior Adults age 65 and older and Law Enforcement (LE), both current andretired.
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, INCLUDING $50.00 APPLICATION FEE, WHEN APPLYING IN:May through November: Adult $175.00 (50.00 + 125.00); Senior & LE $125.00 (50.00+75.00)December thru April (1/2 yr): Adult $112.50 (50.00 + 62.50) ; Senior & LE $87.50 (50.00 + 37.50)Business / Organization Memberships: $75.00 per year per individual. A business or other organizedgroup, e.g., churches, schools, clubs, etc., may apply for a business / organization membership for no lessthan 6 individuals. Please contact the treasurer for more details.
See the FAQs at the bottom of this page for additional information.
You must read the CCSC Rules and By-laws before making application. To apply for membership, print andcomplete a membership application. Mail the application and check to:
CCSCP.O. Box 1138Heber Springs, AR 72543
IMPORTANT: Please allow up to 30 days to process membership applications, although it may be muchless. When applying, please send an email to the CCSC Treasurer at ccsctreasurer01@gmail.com toconfirm application fees and processing time frame. Also, any questions you have can be answered. NOTE: The gate code will be changed at the beginning of the annual membership year. The new gate codewill be included with your new membership card. The background color of membership cards will changeeach year. For example, the 1 July, 2024 - 30 June, 2025 membership cards have a yellow background.Important information is printed on the backside of membership cards. It is HIGHLY recommended thatyou keep a picture on your phone of both the front and back of your membership card.
Membership is managed by the club treasurer. All new members must attend the CCSC orientation before receiving your membership card. Orientation covers safety, range procedures including rules and bylaws, and a walking tour of the range. Potential new members MUST notify the CCSC treasurer by email when sending in an application, so that the potential new member can be scheduled for attendance at an orientation program. Click here to email treasurer. Orientation schedules are sent by email. Normally they are sent on a Wednesday. The notices will come from cleburnecountyshootingclub@gmail.com, so either enter that in your safe senders list, or be sure to check your junk mail. We try not to go any longer than 2 weeks between orientations. At times, they happen more often. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES: Check or Money Order only. Absolutely NO CASH. WE DO NOT TAKECREDIT CARDS.
The cost of applying for membership to Cleburne County Shooting Club includes both the one-timeapplication fee of $50.00 and the first year of annual dues. Annual Dues are $125.00 for Adults under age65: Annual dues are $75.00 for Senior Adults age 65 and older and Law Enforcement (LE), both current andretired.
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE, INCLUDING $50.00 APPLICATION FEE, WHEN APPLYING IN:May through November: Adult $175.00 (50.00 + 125.00); Senior & LE $125.00 (50.00+75.00)December thru April (1/2 yr): Adult $112.50 (50.00 + 62.50) ; Senior & LE $87.50 (50.00 + 37.50)Business / Organization Memberships: $75.00 per year per individual. A business or other organizedgroup, e.g., churches, schools, clubs, etc., may apply for a business / organization membership for no lessthan 6 individuals. Please contact the treasurer for more details.
See the FAQs at the bottom of this page for additional information.
You must read the CCSC Rules and By-laws before making application. To apply for membership, print andcomplete a membership application. Mail the application and check to:
CCSCP.O. Box 1138Heber Springs, AR 72543
IMPORTANT: Please allow up to 30 days to process membership applications, although it may be muchless. When applying, please send an email to the CCSC Treasurer at ccsctreasurer01@gmail.com toconfirm application fees and processing time frame. Also, any questions you have can be answered. NOTE: The gate code will be changed at the beginning of the annual membership year. The new gate codewill be included with your new membership card. The background color of membership cards will changeeach year. For example, the 1 July, 2024 - 30 June, 2025 membership cards have a yellow background.Important information is printed on the backside of membership cards. It is HIGHLY recommended thatyou keep a picture on your phone of both the front and back of your membership card.